・in vivoイメージングによる口腔顔面痛発症機構の解明
定量的活動依存性マンガン造影MRIとin vivo Ca2+イメージングを併用したマルチスケールin vivo脳機能イメージング技術を用いて、口腔顔面痛発症機構の解明に取り組んでいます。
教授:水田 健太郎
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准教授:星島 宏
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- G蛋白質共役型受容体を介した気管支喘息・COPD病態制御機構の解明
- 概日リズムによる気管支喘息増悪機構の解明
- 味覚受容体を介した気管支喘息病態制御機構の解明
- in vivo イメージングによる口腔顔面痛発症機構の解明
- AIによるロボット麻酔システムの開発
- AIによる周術期管理に関する研究
- 制御性T細胞増強法の開発とヒスタミン産生制御機構の解明
- 麻酔薬が細胞内代謝機構に与える影響の解明
- Sasaki H, Zhang Y, Emala CW Sr, and Mizuta K. Melatonin MT2 receptor is expressed and potentiates contraction in human airway smooth muscle. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 321(6): L991-L1005, 2021.
- Hoshijima H, Higuchi H, Sato Boku A, Shibuya M, Morimoto Y, Fujisawa T, and Mizuta K. Patient satisfaction with deep versus light/moderate sedation for non-surgical procedures: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Medicine (Baltimore). 100(36): e27176, 2021.
- Sasaki H, Hoshijima H, Mizuta K. Ringer's acetate solution-induced precipitation of remimazolam. Br J Anaesth. 126(3): e87-e89, 2021.
- Bando K, Kuroishi T, Tada H, Oizumi T, Tanaka Y, Takahashi T, Mizoguchi I, Sugawara S, Endo Y. Nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates and lipopolysaccharide mutually augment inflammation via adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-mediated and interleukin 1β (IL-1β)-mediated production of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs). J Bone Miner Res. 36(9):1866-1878, 2021.
- Hung LY, Tanaka Y, Herbine K, Pastore C, Singh B, Ferguson A, Vora N, Douglas B, Zullo K, Behrens EM, Li Hui Tan T, Kohanski MA, Bryce P, Lin C, Kambayashi T, Reed DR, Brown BL, Cohen NA, Herbert DR. Cellular context of IL-33 expression dictates impact on anti-helminth immunity. Sci Immunol. 5(53): eabc6259, 2021.
- Maekawa M, Yasuda M, Sasaki H, Tachinami Y, Mizuta K. Anesthetic management of a patient with ring 18 syndrome. Anesth Prog. 68(3): 178-179, 2021.
- Hoshijima H, Takeuchi R, Kikuchi K, Mizuta K. Asystole Triggered by the mouth opening with a dental mouth gag under general anesthesia during pediatric oral surgery: report of a rare case. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 79(9):1862-1865, 2021.
- Hoshijima H, Mihara T, Denawa Y, Shiga T, Mizuta K. Comparison of Hemodynamic responses to administration of vasopressin and norepinephrine under general anesthesia: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials with trial sequential analysis. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 35(1):61-69, 2021.
- Hoshijima H, Takeuchi R, Kikuchi K, Mizuta K. Anesthetic management in MAO-A and MAO-B deficiency: a case report. J Anesth. 34(5):773-776, 2020.
- Mizuta K, Sasaki H, Zhang Y, Matoba A, Emala CW Sr. The short-chain free fatty acid receptor FFAR3 is expressed and potentiates contraction in human airway smooth muscle. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 318(6): L1248-L1260, 2020.
- Mizuta K, Matoba A, Shibata S, Masaki E, Emala CW Sr. Obesity-induced asthma: Role of free fatty acid receptors. Jpn Dent Sci Rev. 55(1): 103-107, 2019.
- Matoba A, Matsuyama N, Shibata S, Masaki E, Emala CW, and Mizuta K. The free fatty acid receptor 1 promotes airway smooth muscle cell proliferation through MEK/ERK and PI3K/Akt signaling pathways. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 314(3): L333-L348, 2018.
- Matsuyama N, Shibata S, Matoba A, Kudo T, Danielsson J, Kohjitani A, Masaki E, Emala CW, and Mizuta K: The dopamine D1 receptor is expressed and induces CREB phosphorylation and MUC5AC expression in human airway epithelium. Respir Res. 19(1): 53, 2018.
- Hoshijima H, Mihara T, Maruyama K, Denawa Y, Mizuta K, Shiga T, and Nagasaka H. C-MAC videolaryngoscope versus Macintosh laryngoscope for tracheal intubation: a systematic review and meta-analysis with trial sequential analysis. J Clin Anesth, 49: 53-62, 2018.
- Hoshijima H, Takeuchi R, Mihara T, Kuratani N, Mizuta K, Wajima Z, Masaki E, and Shiga T. Weekend versus weekday admission and short-term mortality: A meta-analysis of 88 cohort studies including 56,934,649 participants. Medicine (Baltimore), 96: e6685, 2017.
- Masaki E, Mizuta K, Ohtani N, and Kido K.: Early postoperative nociceptive threshold and production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor induced by plantar incision are not influenced with minocycline in a rat: role of spinal microglia. Neurosignals., 24(1): 15-24, 2016.
- Mizuta K, Zhang Y, Mizuta F, Hoshijima H, Shiga T, Masaki E, and Emala CW. Novel identification of the free fatty acid receptor FFAR1 that promotes contraction in airway smooth muscle. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol, 309(9): L970-L982, 2015.
- Mizuta K, Zhang Y, Xu D, Mizuta F, D’Ovidio F, Masaki E, and Emala CW. The dopamine D1 receptor is expressed and facilitates relaxation in airway smooth muscle. Respir. Res. 14:89, 2013.
- Mizuta K, Zhang Y, Xu D, Masaki E, Panettieri RA Jr., and Emala CW. The dopamine D2 receptor is expressed and sensitizes adenylyl cyclase activity in airway smooth muscle. Am. J. Physiol. Lung Cell. Mol. Physiol., 302(3):L316-324, 2012.
- Kawakami S, Izumi H, Masaki E, Kuchiiwa S, and Mizuta K. Role of medullary GABA signal transduction on parasympathetic reflex vasodilatation in the lower lip. Brain Res., 1437:26-37, 2012.
- Izumi H, Ishii H, and Mizuta K. Anterior hypothalamic inhibition of reflex parasympathetic vasodilatation in the lower lip and palate of anaesthetized cats. Dent. J. Health., 30(2): 43-52, 2011.
- Mizuta K, Mizuta F, Xu D, Masaki E, Panettieri RA Jr., and Emala CW. Gi-coupled γ-aminobutyric acid-B receptors cross-regulate phospholipase C and calcium in airway smooth muscle. Am. J. Respir. Cell Mol. Biol., 45(6):1232-1238, 2011.
E-mail: kentaro.mizuta.e6*tohoku.ac.jp(*を@に変えてください。)