総合歯科診療部は、包括的な歯科診療の実践を目指す診療部であり、同時に臨床実習生の臨床教育および卒後研修医の臨床研修の場でもあります。口腔疾患を総合的に診ることを重視し、患者の全身機能との関連、生活習慣、社会環境などの背景を考慮した適切な診断を目指します。その診断に基づき、歯科のcommon diseaseに対する質の高い標準治療と継続的なケアを提供するとともに、専門診療科との連携による包括的なサポートを追求しています。これらを実践する「総合歯科学」の発展に向け、幅広い研究活動を行っています。
教授:小川 徹
- AI技術に基づく臨床実習/臨床研修の教育支援プログラム開発
- 歯冠修復物・補綴装置の異常検知デバイスの医工連携研究
- 顎口腔機能、口腔顔面痛、睡眠歯学、スポーツ歯学、口腔インプラントに関連する基礎・臨床的研究
- 味覚障害に対する口腔内科学的治療法の構築、うま味感受性検査の確立に向けた研究
- 小唾液腺をターゲットにした口腔乾燥症治療法開発に関する研究
- Shigemitsu R, Ogawa T, Sato E, Oliveira AS, Rasmussen J.
Kinematic classification of mandibular movements in patients with temporomandibular disorders based on PCA.
Comput Biol Med. 2025. 184:109441. - Sammour SR, Naito H, Kimoto T, Sasaki K, Ogawa T.
Anomaly detection of retention loss in fixed partial dentures using resonance frequency analysis and machine learning: An in vitro study.
J Prosthodont Res. 2024. 68(3): 510–519. - Satoh-Kuriwada S, Gotoh S, Shoji N, Uneyama H, Komai M.
Contribution of kelp dashi liquid to sustainable maintenance of taste sensation and promotion of healthy eating in older adults throughout the umami-taste salivary reflex.
Front Nutr. 2024 Aug 27;11:1406633. - Saito N, Ogawa T, Shiraishi N, Koide R, Komine H, Yokoyama M, Hanawa S, Sasaki
K. Difference in the electromyographic behavior of the masticatory and swallowing muscles during cued versus spontaneous swallowing.
Dysphagia. 2024. 39(3):398-406. - Shimada A, Ogawa T, Sammour S, Narihara T, Kinomura S, Koide R, Noma N,
Sasaki K.
Effectiveness of exercise therapy on pain relief and jaw mobility in patients with pain-related temporomandibular disorders: A systematic review.
Front Oral Health. 2023. 12:4:1170966. - Ogawa T.
Prediction of mandibular advancement splint treatment response: moving towards individualized therapy for obstructive sleep apnea.
Sleep. 2022. 13: 45(6). - Qi J, Miyashita M, Ogawa T, Naito H, Sasaki K.
Resonance frequency analysis for evaluation of the connecting condition between fixed prostheses and their abutment teeth: An in vitro and finite element analysis study.
J Prosthet Dent. 2024. 131(5):886-894. - Ogawa T, Sitalaksmi RM, Miyashita M, Maekawa K, et al.
Effectiveness of the Socket Shield Technique in Dental Implant: A Systematic Review.
J Prosthodont Res. 2022. 11;66(1): 12-18. - Shobara K, Ogawa T, Shibamoto A, Miyashita M, Ito A, Sitalaksmi RM.
Osteogenic effect of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound and whole-body vibration on peri-implant bone. An experimental in vivo study.
Clin Oral Implants Res. 2021. 32(5):641-650. - Shobara K, Ogawa T, Sitalaksmi RM, Ito A, Miyashita M, Shibamoto A, Sasaki K.
Tightening and Loosening of the Abutment Screw Negatively Affects Implant Osseointegration in the Early Healing Stage in Rat Tibiae.
Int J Prosthodont. 2021. 34(2):199–203. - Denda Y, Niikura N, Satoh-Kuriwada S, Yokoyama K, Terao M, Morioka T, Tsuda B,
Okamura T, Ota Y, Tokuda Y, Sasano T, Shoji N.
Taste alterations in patients with breast cancer following chemotherapy: a cohort study.
Breast Cancer. 2020 Sep;27(5):954-962. - Yamazaki Y, Ito T, Ogawa T, Hong G, Yamada Y, Hamada T, Sasaki K.
Potential of pure cellulose nanofibers as a denture base material.
J Oral Sci. 2020. 23;63(1): 111-113. - Zou W, Hong G, Yamazaki Y, Takase K, Ogawa T, Washio J, Takahashi N, Sasaki K.
Use of cellulose nanofibers as a denture immersing solution.
Dent Mater J. 2020. 31;39(1): 80-88. - Iwatsu M, Kanetaka H, Mokudai T, Ogawa T, Kawashita M, Sasaki K.
Visible light-induced photocatalytic and antibacterial activity of N-doped TiO2.
J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2020. 108(2): 451-459. - Matsuda M, Ogawa T, Sitalaksmi RM, Miyashita M, Ito T, Sasaki K.
Effect of mandibular position achieved using an oral appliance on genioglossus activity in healthy adults during sleep.
Head Face Med. 2019. 4;15(1):26. - Satoh-Kuriwada S, Shoji N, Miyake H, Watanabe C, Sasano T.
Effects and Mechanisms of Tastants on the Gustatory-Salivary Reflex in Human Minor Salivary Glands.
Biomed Res Int. 2018 Jan 31;2018:3847075. - Wang S, Ogawa T, Zheng S, Miyashita M, Tenkumo T, Gu Z, Lian W, Sasaki K.
The effect of low-magnitude high-frequency loading on peri-implant bone healing and implant osseointegration in beagle dogs.
J Prosthodont Res. 2018. 62(4): 497-502. - Malik B, Whittle T, Ogawa T, Murray GM.
Reorganization of motor unit activity at different sites within the masseter muscle during experimental masseter pain.
Eur J Oral Sci.2018. 126(5): 400-410. - Miyashita M*, Ogawa T*, Naito H, Shibamoto A, Wang AS, Shobara K, Sasaki K.
Evaluation of implant screw loosening by resonance frequency analysis with triaxial piezoelectric pick-up: in vitro model and in vivo animal study.
Clin Oral Investig. 2018. 22(5): 2129-2134. - Shibamoto A, Ogawa T, Duyck J, Vandamme K, Naert I, Sasaki K.
Effect of high-frequency loading and parathyroid hormoneadministration on peri-implant bone healing and osseointegration.
Int J Oral Sci. 2018. 13; 10(1): 6. - Yamamoto M, Ogawa T, Yokoyama M, Funaki Y, Shobara K, Shibamoto A, Vanegas
Sáenz JR, Sasaki K.
Na18F accumulates on the compressive side of peri-implant bone under immediate loading.
Odontology. 2018. 106: 232-237. - Suzuki T, Ogawa T, Long J, Vanegas Sáenz JR, Miyashita M, Matsuda M, Sasaki K.
Periodontal tactile sensation and occlusal loading condition of autotransplanted teeth: A retrospective pilot study.
J Prosthodont Res. 2018. 62(1): 84-88. - Long J, Ogawa T, Ito T, Matsuda M, Li W, Yu H, Sasaki K.
Effect of bite openings and mandibular protrusion on genioglossus muscle activity in healthy adults with oral appliance.
Odontology. 2018. 106(1): 90-95. - Trachootham D, Satoh-Kuriwada S, Lam-Ubol A, Promkam C, Chotechuang N,
Sasano T, Shoji N.
Differences in Taste Perception and Spicy Preference: A Thai-Japanese Cross-cultural Study.
Chem Senses. 2017; 25;43(1):65-74. - Matsuo Y, Ogawa T, Yamamoto M, Shibamoto A, Sáenz JR, Yokoyama M, Kanda Y,
Toyohara J, Sasaki K.
Evaluation of peri-implant bone metabolism under immediate loading using high-resolution Na18F-PET.
Clin Oral Investig. 2017. 21(6): 2029-2037. - Ogawa T, Long J, Sutherland K, Chan AS, Sasaki K, Cistulli PA.
Effect of mandibular advancement splint treatment on tongue shape in obstructive sleep apnea.
Sleep Breath. 2015. 19(3):857-63. - Satoh-Kuriwada S, Kawai M, Iikubo M, Sekine-Hayakawa Y, Shoji N, Uneyama H,
Sasano T.
Development of an umami taste sensitivity test and its clinical use.
PLoS One. 2014; 18; 9(4):e95177. - Ogawa T, Vandamme K, Zhang X, Naert I, Possemiers T, Chaudhari A, Sasaki K,
Duyck J.
Stimulation of titanium implant osseointegration through high-frequency vibration loading is enhanced when applied at high acceleration.
Calcif Tissue Int. 2014; 95(5): 467-75. - Yamamoto M, Ogawa T, Yokoyama M, Koyama S, Sasaki K.
Influence of immediate and early loading on bone metabolic activity around dental implants in rat tibiae.
Clin Oral Implants Res. 2014; 25(9): 1084-90. - Ogawa T, Possemiers T, Zhang X, Naert I, Chaudhari A, Sasaki K, Duyck J.
Influence of whole-body vibration time on peri-implant bone healing: a histomorphometrical animal study.
J Clin Periodontol. 2011; 38(2): 180-5. - Ogawa T, Zhang X, Naert I, Vermaelen P, Deroose CM, Sasaki K, Duyck J.
The effect of whole-body vibration on peri-implant bone healing in rats.
Clin Oral Implants Res. 2011; 22(3): 302-7. - Ogawa T, Suzuki T, Oishi N, Zhang X, Naert I, Sasaki K.
Tactile sensation and occlusal loading condition of mandibular premolars and molars.
Odontology. 2011; 99: 193-6. - Ogawa T, Ito T, Cardoso MV, Kawata T, Sasaki K
Oral appliance treatment for obstructive sleep apnoea patients with severe dental condition.
J Oral Rehabil. 2011; 38(3): 202-7. - Ogawa T, Dhaliwal S, Naert I, Mine A, Kronstrom M, Sasaki K, Duyck J.
Effect of tilted and short distal implants on axial forces and bending moments in implants supporting fixed dental prostheses: an in vitro study.
Int J Prosthodont. 2010; 23(6): 566-73. - Ogawa T, Dhaliwal S, Naert I, Mine A, Kronstrom M, Sasaki K, Duyck J.
Impact of implant number, distribution and prosthesis material on loading on implants supporting fixed prostheses.
J Oral Rehabil. 2010; 37: 525-31.
E-mail:toru.ogawa.d7*tohoku.ac.jp (*を@に変えてください。)