
TUIDSO -We are here to help you-

Tohoku University International Dental Students Organization or “TUIDSO” is an independent organization that was established in 2017 by international students in the graduate school of dentistry to represent their needs. It’s the official body representing the international students in the graduate school of dentistry. The importance of this organization is to build the international student community, support their life in Sendai, facilitate the exchange of information, organize activities among the international students, and promote mutual exchange between international and Japanese students in collaboration with the administration of the graduate school of dentistry (The international affairs office).

This is us. A group photo of the international students in the Graduate School of Dentistry in 2022

Establishment of TUIDSO

→ In early 2017, Professor Ken Osaka from the International and Community Oral Health Department gave the original idea.

→ March 2nd 2017 , a group of students from China, Nicaragua, Kenya, Egypt and Mongolia demonstrated the current need of international students to the administration of the graduate school of dentistry.

→ April 1st 2017, TUIDSO was officially Launched.

International graduate students of 2016

Aims of TUIDSO

  1. Promote the mutual exchange between both the international and the Japanese students in the Graduate School of Dentistry through participating in the organization actively.
  2. Facilitate exchange and operating activities among the international students.
  3. Enhance network opportunities for both international students and Japanese students.
  4. Support the international students’ life in Sendai.
  5. Promote global network construction through the sharing of up-to-date information with the international alumnus.

Organizing Committee

2024 Board Member List

  • 01.President

    Nada Alhadi|Egypt

  • 02.Vice President for Academic Affairs

    Fan Ziqiu|China

  • 03.Vice President for Student Affairs

    Kyaw Zaww | Myanmar

  • 04.Vice President for Administration Affairs

    Tulonga Ndemuweda | Namibia

  • 05.Social Media Moderator

    Triana Marchelina | Indonesia

  • 06.Secretary

    Yang Kunhua | China

2021 Board Member List

  • 01.President

      Hazem Abbas|Egypt

  • 02.Vice-president for Student Affairs


  • 03.Vice-president for Administration


  • 04.Vice-president for Academic Affairs


  • 05.PR manager for student affairs


  • 06.secretary of student  affairs


  • 07.secretary of Academic Affairs

      Isuruni |Srilanka

  • 08.Accountant / Treasurer

      Hazem Abbas|Egypt

2017 Board Member List

  • 01.President

    Tselmuun Chinzorig|Mongolia

  • 02.Vice-president

    Vanegas Juan|Nicaragua

  • 03.Accountant

    Zou Wei|China

  • 04.Director

    Hazem Abbas|Egypt

  • 05.PR

    Njuguna Mary|Kenya

Our activities

2017 International Students Welcome Party held by TUIDSO and the International Affairs office


Bas's one day | A day in the life of a dental graduate student in Tohoku University

Our campus | Our school | Our city

Celebrating our diversity | Thanks in many languages

TUIDSO Introduction