Department of International Health


About the Department

The Department of International Health at the Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry was established in 2005 as the first of its kind in Japan.

Dr. Ken OSAKA, whose research fields include global infectious diseases and long-term care insurance, was appointed first professor in July 2005.

The department, in coordination with other departments of the University and administrative organs, conducts its research/education with the following visions:

1.        To contribute to healthcare activities - especially dental health - both domestically and internationally, focusing on developing countries.  In that regard, we emphasize the following factors:
1) understanding of community social determinants
2) coordination and cooperation with other fields (other healthcare areas, education fields, etc.)
At the same time, we develop human resources in this field. 

2.        To act as a bridge between Japan and other countries in the healthcare, especially dentistry field:

1) to introduce to the world Japan’s advanced system and technology including:

- social security system such as health insurance and long-term care insurance, which have received international attention

- dental healthcare technology such as dental materials and peripheral equipment

2) to apply in Japan other countries’ advanced activities

-  Because Japan needs improvements in preventive dentistry, we will contribute to promote preventive practices in communities and schools.

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