
Tohoku University Hospital

Message from the General Vice Director

 Hiroshi Egusa

General Vice Director,
Head of Dental Division
Tohoku University Hospital

Prof. Hiroshi Egusa, DDS, PhD, FRCPath

(Fixed Prosthodontics Dept.)

The roots of Tohoku University Hospital lie in the Sendai-han (domain) Medical School established in 1817, which became the Tohoku Imperial University College of Medicine Hospital in 1915, and Tohoku University Hospital was born. Tohoku University Hospital is government-certified as an “advanced treatment hospital,” and one of our missions is safely providing sophisticated medical care as well as development and training in this field. In the hospital, the Dental Division is composed of 11 specialized clinical departments as well as 6 facilities and 3 centers for specific disorders (see figure below).
To promote Interface Oral Health Science (IOHS), which is an original concept introduced by the Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry, it is essential to commit to not only basic research but also high-quality clinical research and clinical trials. Tohoku University Hospital has been recognized as a core institution for clinical research in the Tohoku region because it was one of the first in Japan to be accredited as a “clinical research core hospital”. The Clinical Research Innovation and Education Center, Tohoku University Hospital (CRIETO) promotes a wide range of clinical research, drug discovery and medical equipment development. Recently established facilities and projects to promote industry-academia collaboration and higher education and training for artificial intelligence (AI) include the OPEN BED Lab and Clinical AI Human Resources Development Program.
After admission to the School of Dentistry, many graduate students will utilize these facilities and programs to obtain cutting-edge clinical experience at Tohoku University Hospital. We hope that the students will learn much through their research activities and patient care, and become global leaders in the development of dental science/dental care as highly skilled professionals.

Organizational Structure